Jumat, 27 September 2013

Facts about Rabbits

Some people raise rabbits just for photography
Did you know..?
In the United States alone, there are more than 2 million households that have pet rabbits! Rabbits are also the third most favorite pet in the United Kingdom, after dogs and cats!Many people would love to have a pet rabbit of their own. The size of rabbits can be misleading and can make people think that they are easy to look after. But that is far from the truth. It takes a lot of work and effort to look after and manage a pet rabbit. Rabbits have very delicate digestive systems which can get disrupted due to slight changes in their diet, requiring immediate veterinary care. Rabbits also require grooming on a weekly basis, because they have a tendency of swallowing their own hair while grooming themselves. This can lead to digestive problems later on, as they are unable to spit out the hair. Here are some more equally fascinating facts about these adorable creatures.

They are not rodents. They belong to the order lagomorphs.Rabbits are herbivores and eat carrots, vegetables, tree bark, weeds, and herbs. Domestic rabbits will require leafy greens and fruits incorporated in their diet to keep them healthy.Contrary to popular belief, only carrots and some fruits cannot provide your pet rabbit with all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and fit. A diet consisting mainly of carrots may make the rabbit malnourished.They are social, loving, and interactive animals. They live in groups called herds, in a warren. A warren is a huge maze-like underground dwelling for rabbits.Rabbits weigh between 2 to 11 pounds. However, this is an average estimate. The world record for the heaviest rabbit is set at 50 pounds, while the smallest recorded rabbit weighed only 60 grams!There are over 45 recognized breeds of rabbits.Rabbits have a thin skin that can easily suffer tears, which is why they have a dense fur. They shed their coats twice annually.Rabbits have a very good memory. And each rabbit has his own distinct identity and personality.Rabbits have long sensitive ears, which can turn in any direction and can also help in regulating their temperature.Rabbits are crepuscular, that is they are most active at dawn and dusk.Rabbits sweat only through their paws.They have 28 teeth, which keep growing throughout their life.Rabbits do not have equal number of toenails on all their paws. They have 5 toenails each on their front paws, but only 4 toenails each on their hind paws.Rabbits have a wide vocal range. They use different sounds in different tones and volumes for communicating various emotions.Rabbits have a 360 degree vision, and can see things behind them without turning around! They have just one blind spot which is right in front of their nose.Rabbits have 3 pairs of scent glands. One located under the chin, another on either side of the anus, and the third in the inguinal region (called inguinal glands).A male rabbit is called buck, a female one is called doe, and a baby rabbit is called kitten or kit. After birth, the baby rabbits are collectively known as litter.Rabbits can start mating as soon as they are 3 months old, and at 6 months old they are physically mature to produce offspring!One litter usually has 4 - 12 kittens (although it can vary according to the breed), and in the wild a doe can have as many as 8 litters per year! They can produce around 40 - 60 offspring in one season which lasts for around 9 months per year.The gestation period of rabbits is about 30 days.Kittens are blind when they are born, and they open their eyes at 10 days old. They have no fur at the time of birth.Kittens need to be fed only for a few minutes a couple of times per day. They are weaned when they are around 6 - 8 weeks old.Rabbit's milk is very rich in nutrients and is considered very healthy.Rabbits can jump as high as 3 feet, and as long as 10 feet! And they can run at about 35 miles/hour.Rabbits have very frail backbones, which are very susceptible to breaking if they are manhandled.The average lifespan of a rabbit is about 10 years.Rabbits are very susceptible to extreme temperatures and can suffer from a heat stroke.Rabbits chew 120 times a minute and have over 17,000 taste buds.Domestic rabbits cannot breed with American wild rabbits due to genetic differences, but can breed with European wild rabbits!Rabbit meat is all white meat, which means it is low in cholesterol, fat, and calories as compared to beef, pork, etc.Rabbits can't vomit, but they excrete two types of droppings.The night droppings of rabbits are called cecotropes, and they are very rich in nutrients (proteins, minerals, and vitamins), which is why rabbits eat their own night droppings. Their droppings also serve the purpose as an excellent garden fertilizer.Happy rabbits express their joy by performing a series of jumps, twists, and runs, which is termed as binky.Spaying/neutering a rabbit contributes in maintaining good health and curbing the number of offspring produced, but is not essential.They require a four hours exercise a day. They can suffer from osteoporosis if they don't get enough exercise.Rabbits don't like being picked up.Rabbits groom themselves, and usually each other as well to socialize. They love spending time with other rabbits.Rabbits have pretty strong hind legs which they use to kick and lash out if they are captured or feel threatened.Rabbits purr. But unlike cats, who make the noise to communicate, rabbits produce a soft purring sound when they grind their teeth together.It is important to keep 2 or more rabbits if they are being kept as pets. They are social animals and not suitable for domestication. Loneliness can cause depression, aggression, and other behavioral problems. They need company.
Who knew these cute little bundles of fur have so many fascinating things about them? But there is something about them that is a cause of distress. They breed extremely rapidly, causing a problem of overpopulation in many parts of the world. It is reported that in Australia alone, rabbits annually destroy crops worth around $500 million! This makes them rather troublesome creatures to deal with and as a result, there are many incidents of rabbit snaring, shootings, and killings. If they are spayed or neutered, this problem could be brought under control.

Kamis, 26 September 2013

Chimpanzee Facts

Not very long ago a chimpanzee, a prominent pop star and a mayor settled for a cup of tea together. Does this seem fictitious already? Well believe it! "Bubbles" was a pet adopted by none other than the legendary pop star, Michael Jackson who had taken this chimpanzee along with him for his music tour in Japan where both of them happened to have a cup of tea with the mayor of Osaka. This chimpanzee was also known to engage himself in doing odd jobs like cleaning and tidying at the star's famous ranch.

The nature and actions of chimpanzees have an uncanny similarity with human behavior. Much has been talked about them, their evolution and existence on earth. In fact, now it has been scientifically proven that chimpanzees are the closest living relatives to humans. They should not be confused with the monkeys and gorillas.

Chimp Chronicles
Chimpanzees are not "monkeys" as stated earlier. They belong to the family of apes along with gorillas, bonobos and orangutans. Though all these animals belong to the same family, chimpanzees are genetically closer to humans than any other animal.
Chimpanzees and humans share a DNA similarity of about 98.4% leaving only a difference of approximately 1.6%.
Physical Features
Chimpanzees are found mainly in the tropical forests of Africa. These animals have a stocky structure with long protruding arms and a petite body. Long, black hair is a prominent feature, which covers their entire body except the face, ears, fingers and toes. They share a similar feature of opposable thumbs as humans and their sturdy hands are well-equipped to clasp objects firmly and throw them instinctively as a defense mechanism.
Their lifespan is approximately fifty years and they primarily are wild animals, but in captivity these animals can live up to sixty years. A baby chimpanzee lives with its mother for approximately five to ten years after birth.
They are omnivorous and their principal diet includes leaves, buds and flowers of various plants. Sometimes they eat very selectively consuming only the ripest fruit, which they pick with their hands. Their diet also includes berries and seeds.
Sources of Danger
They face the greatest threat from human beings and leopards. They are also prone to diseases, which also afflict human beings. They are also being used for biomedical testing and entertainment, which are taking a toll on their lives.
Modus Operandi
Chimpanzees spend as much time on land as they do on trees though, most of their eating and sleeping is done on trees. They begin their activities at dawn as they descend from their night nest and what follows is a mischievous mayhem throughout the day especially among the younger chimpanzees. They are more active during the moonlit nights.
Chimps are known to have devised tools out of stones, twigs and other such objects in their natural habitat for fishing and survival tactics in the wild. The fact that they can craft tools and use them in their daily lives is astonishing.
Sentient Side
They kiss, hug and exude emotions like human beings. Public display of affections is a lifestyle for these lively creatures. Anxious chimpanzees pucker their lips and when threatened bare their teeth, snarling furiously. When chimps are tight-lipped and glare with their eyes, this indicates a sign of attack.
Approximately fifty years ago, there were somewhere around a million chimpanzees in these forests; but, now they are gradually moving towards extinction with about 150,000 to 175,000 left in the wildernesses. The existence is threatened by the decrease in the forests and the increase in the "bush meat" trade. People and global organizations like the WWF are working consistently and are spreading an awareness about these endangered mammals and what can be done to secure their race on earth.

Rabu, 25 September 2013

Interesting Facts about Vervet Monkey

The vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) is one of the most common monkeys found in eastern Africa, ranging from Sudan to the southern tip of South Africa. They abound in savannas, forests and even lofty mountains, in areas with a high density of trees. Being highly adaptable, they can even be found close to human dwellings and urban habitats. This species is also found in the Caribbean islands of Barbados and St. Kitts where they were originally introduced as pets.

Adult male vervets are larger than the females, and weigh approximately 12 lb, and measure about 24 inches, whereas females weigh somewhere between 10 and 12 lb, and have a body length of approximately 19 inches. These monkeys eat many different types of fruits, flowers, and seeds. Figs are their favorite fruit. If vegetation is scarce, they will even eat birds' eggs, small chicks and birds, and small insects like grasshoppers. Vervets living close to human populations can be a pest and are known to raid fields of corn and destroy other crops.

Interesting Facts about the Vervet Monkey
  • Vervets are distinguished by its characteristic black face, bordered by a white fringe.
  • These diurnal animals are gregarious and live in groups called troops of 40-80, mostly made up of adult females and their offspring. Social hierarchy is very strictly followed in troops. A juvenile's status in a troop is determined by its mother's. Even adult vervets are relegated to lower ranks and have to obey younger monkeys with a higher social status. This hierarchy is very important for the vervets' survival because it controls the relationships, and mating and feeding habits.
  • They are born with a pink face and black hair. They take on the grayish-green color like that of the adults after 4 months.
  • Male vervets have a blue scrotum and bright red penis.
  • Young vervets can be mischievous and purposefully give wrong calls and wait and watch how the adults will respond to such behavior! Female monkeys are known to discipline the young ones for such conduct.
  • Young monkeys are very playful, and their favorite activities are chasing one another and pushing each other down from the branches of trees.
  • Vervets are excellent jumpers and swimmers.
  • Vervets have evolved a unique alarm call, wherein they alert members of their troops of impending predators with clear-cut calls for different animals of prey, like eagle, snake, or leopard. A high-pitched chattering signals the presence of a python or a predatory snake, whereas low-pitched grunts mean an eagle or a bird of prey is hovering above. Juvenile vervets inherit an inborn ability to mimic these warning signals.
  • Male vervets emit a shrill sound when marking their territories, and females produce a high-pitched squeal to reject any unwanted advances from males during mating.
  • Immediately after birth, the female licks the baby clean and eats up the placenta.
  • Adult females look after their young ones, and do not have another offspring till the baby grows up and is mature enough to fend for itself. If she happens to lose her baby, she will mourn for days together, and try to conceive as soon as possible to revive the mother-child bonding experience.
  • Female vervets form close social bonds with other females from an early age. As they attain maturity, they even look after and care for a newborn provided the mother readily agrees to leave it in their care.
  • As with other monkeys, grooming is an important aspect of vervets. They groom each other by removing lodged dirt and bugs from other vervets' fur.
  • They are hunted for bushmeat and are used in laboratory and biomedical research, the tissue of vervets is used to prepare polio vaccines.
The vervet monkey can be classified into the following subspecies, namely:
  • Chlorocebus pygerythrus excubitor
  • Chlorocebus pygerythrus hilgerti
  • Chlorocebus pygerythrus nesiotes
  • Chlorocebus pygerythrus pygerythrus
  • Chlorocebus pygerythrus rufoviridis
Even though vervets are not an endangered species, their population has seen a decline in recent years. Troops living close to human habitation are sometimes killed by high-tension power lines, and people are known to poison them and even shoot them. They are captured for their use in medical research. The bushmeat trade has also contributed to the dwindling population. Deforestation should also be avoided, so we do not disturb their natural habitat. A lot of organizations are involved in conserving vervet monkeys. Together, we should work to safeguard their habitat so these animals can rightfully live and thrive in the African forests.

Selasa, 24 September 2013

Wombat Facts

Wombat, a large pudgy mammal, is an Australian marsupial. Wombat females have a pouch called 'marsupium' which contains the teats. The young babies are kept in these pouches. In this way, the mothers can carry the babies safely and easily. They are fed there as well. Wombats are about one meter (39 inches) in length and have short legs and a very short tail. They belong to the family Vombatidae and are mainly found in the forested, mountainous, and heathland areas of south-eastern Australia and Tasmania.

Australian Wombat

Physical Characteristics: Some wombats are of sandy color while some are brown, gray or black. Furry wombats weigh between 20 and 35 kg (44 and 77 lb). These animals are relatively smaller but they have strong muscular claws and powerful front teeth, with the help of which they dig extensive burrows. People who had come across these animals, were attacked fiercely and were severely wounded from wombat claws and bites. Some even had to rest in bed for a few days due to broken bones from the fall. These wild animals do not like human interference. Wombats are quite heavy and an angry wild wombat can easily knock an average-sized adult over. The penetrating teeth and powerful muscular jaws can inflict severe wounds.

Social Life: Unlike most other Australian animals who are listed under the category marsupials (females having pouches), wombats have a relatively larger brain. Their burrows can be described as extensive tunnel-and-chamber complexes. Usually, they (common wombats) like to lead a solitary life, but certain species prefer living in colonies. They may display acts of aggression if provoked, or if they are simply in a bad mood.

Food: They are herbivorous animals who mainly eat various types of grasses, sedges, herbs, barks and roots. The incisor teeth are adapted for biting and chewing tough vegetation.

Reproduction: Female wombats give birth to one single baby in the spring, after a gestation period of about 26 - 28 days. The babies live in the mother's pouch for about 6-7 months and are weaned after 15 months. Wombats are able to give birth to babies, once they are 18 months old.

Special Pouch: One of the characteristic feature of wombats is that they have backwards-facing pouch. The typical position of the pouch protects the young one from dirt, when the mother is busy digging.

Lifestyle: Wombats are mainly crepuscular (primarily active during twilight, at dawn and at dusk) and nocturnal (active during the night and sleeping during the day ). So you won't easily come across a wombat. Sometimes, wombats set out to feed on cool or cloudy days. You can track them easily; if you know that they leave ample evidence of their passage (distinctive cubic scats).

Classification: Only three living varieties of this animal species can be seen. They are common wombat, northern hairy-nosed wombat or yaminon and southern hairy-nosed wombat.

Hairy-nosed Wombat: The wombat whose nose is covered with fur is called hairy-nosed wombat. This type of wombat appears hairy. The fur is white or brown and soft to touch. The nose of this species is short and soft, somewhat like a pig's. The fur is also short. The fur which covers the body of this animal is fine and silky; and much softer than the common wombat's fur. They ware hunted for the fur on a large scale. One important fact about the hairy-nosed wombat is that the species is now critically endangered species.

Taming: There are examples of tamed wombats. In a captive situation, they had become quite friendly. Many parks, zoos and tourist centers have them on public display.

Loss of Habitat: It is true that wombats damage fields and pastures by burrowing extensively. They can be thus a destructive nuisance to ranchers and farmers. But, there is scarcity of space for all wombats, as human beings are acquiring more and more land for farming and for housing. One of the most noteworthy wombat facts is that they have been hunted for this behavior, for their fur or simply for sport. This type of human behavior is totally against nature. Studies reveal the fact that some species are now critically endangered, while others (the common or coarse-haired wombat) are still hunted as vermin.

Wombat facts for kids are available on the Internet. Kids may gather information on wombats from various sites. Those who love animals should not forget that it's our duty to save everything that the goddess of nature has gifted us.

Senin, 23 September 2013

Harp Seal Facts

The harp seal is a ear-less seal species native to the waters of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. They are also known as the 'saddleback' seals, owing to the black pattern on their back, which resembles a saddle to a certain extent. Not many people are aware of the fact that the binomial name for the harp seal species is Pagophilus groenlandica, which literally means the ice lover from Greenland.

General Facts about Harp Seals

The average lifespan of the harp seal species in the wild is around 20 years. When they are born, they have a white coat, but as they continue to grow this white fur is replaced by a gray leathery coat. This can be attributed to the fact that the adult seals spend most of the time in water, while the young ones spend most of the time on the land, The white color in the young one is a natural camouflage which helps the to avoid predators like the polar bear and killer shark. This is perhaps one of the best example of animal adaptations. A full-grown adult harp seal is 5.25 to 6.25 ft in length, and weighs around 400 lb.

Habitat: Harp seals are found in the cold regions near the north pole. Adult seals spend most of the time in waters of the Atlantic and Arctic, as the water here is relatively warmer than the snow clad land. The water body is also the hunting grounds for the harp seal. As we mentioned earlier, baby seals prefer to spend most of the time on the land, wherein their white fur protects them from severe cold and predators. Though the major population is restricted off the Greenland coast, sightings in Canada, Russia, etc., are not so rare.

Diet: Harp seals are carnivorous mammals which tend to feed on a wide variety of food available in their natural habitat. The long list of sea animals which constitute their diet include crabs, eels, shrimps, squids, plankton, and at times even jelly fish. As for the young ones, they most often feed on the mother's milk. Once they start venturing into the waters, their dietary habits change to the food source available in the water.

Some more interesting facts.....
  • Even though a newly born harp seal weighs only 25 lbs, it can eventually grow on to become 6 ft in length and weigh about 400 lbs.
  • Harp seals give birth to their young ones on floating ice.
  • The teeth of the baby seals grow only when they eat something.
  • Its large eyes are armed with large spherical lenses which helps it to focus over a long distance.
  • The whiskers located on their mouth helps them detect low frequency vibrations.
  • Their sense of smell is also amazing. The mother identifies its young one by its smell.
  • Harp seals are excellent swimmers, who can dive to a depth of 1000 ft with immense ease.
  • They also have an amazing ability of staying underwater for 15 minutes.
More recently, however, human interference has resulted in a drastic fall in harp seal population. Even though it is listed as a 'Least Concerned' species in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) list, the alarming rate at which they are hunted for their skin is bound to make them appear in the endangered species list, and eventually the IUCN Red List, some time soon. We can't afford to lose yet another beautiful creature on the planet, and therefore the need of the hour is strict implementation of conservation measures to save the various seal species.

Random Facts About Animals

The animal kingdom consists of multicellular, eukaryotic organisms inhabiting the planet Earth. There are hundreds and thousands of animal species, each being unique and amazing in nature. Animals are an integral part of the ecosystem as well as human life.

Animals are divided into vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates are those animals with a backbone and are placed in the phyla Cordata and subphyla Vertebrata. Invertebrates are animals that are without a backbone. The animal kingdom consists of mammals, fish, birds, etc. There are over 100,000 species in the 25 animal phyla and many are still to be discovered. This shows that the animal kingdom is brimming with facts that make us understand the uniqueness of the different species. So, without wasting much time, I shall begin with random animal fun facts.

Interesting Facts About Animals

There are many unusual things about animals that we aren't aware of. I have tried to enlist some of the really funny animal facts that you will be surprised to know. Read on for some interesting information about our animal friends.
  • Every single swan in England is the property of the Queen.
  • Although they are called Anteaters, these animals prefer eating termites over ants.
  • A lion living in the wild will be able to make no more than 20 successful kills in a year.
  • The Chow is the only dog that does not have a pink colored tongue.
  • Deer does not have gallbladder.
  • The female Saltwater Crocodile lays her eggs at night. During this period, she enters a trance-like state and is oblivious to the surroundings.
  • You will never find two tigers with similar stripe markings.
  • A starfish can live for eternity as long as it does not fall sick or meets with an accident or is eaten up by predators.
  • The nose prints of gorillas are different, just as human fingerprints.
  • A harp seals group is called a Colony or a Rookery.
  • A hippopotamus can live for about 40 years in the wild.
  • The cheetah is the smallest of all big cats.
  • A cheetah can run about 80 miles/hour.
  • The tallest mammals on earth are the Giraffes.
  • Dolphins can jump up to 20 feet in air.
  • An elephant's tusks consists of dentin, the same substance that forms human teeth.
  • There are over 40,000 muscles in an elephant's trunk.
  • Dogs can make about 10 vocal sounds and cats are capable of making over 100 different vocal sounds.
  • Dogs and cats, just like humans, can either be left-handed or right-handed (er.. pawed?).
  • A dolphin tends to sleep with one eye open.
  • Ants do not have lungs and can never sleep.
  • A baby kangaroo at birth is only an inch long and is no bigger in size than a queen bee.
  • There are over 32 muscles in a cat's ear.
  • A group of owls is called a parliament.
  • The smartest dog in the world is the Border Collie and the dumbest dog is the Afghan Hound.
  • The tongue of a blue whale is so large that about 50 grown men can stand on it.
  • The only animal that cannot jump are elephants.
  • For some unknown reason, a duck's quack cannot echo.
  • A 4 feet tall child can fit into a wide open mouth of a hippopotamus.
  • The heart of a shrimp is in its head.
  • The only fish that can blink both eyes at the same time is the shark.
  • Each and every polar bear is left-handed (pawed).
  • The eyes of an ostrich is bigger than its brain.
  • The only animals besides humans who can fall prey to leprosy are the armadillos.
  • An armadillo can have four babies at a time. What is weird is that all the newborns are of the same-sex.
  • A cat's urine can glow under black light.
  • A haw is the third eyelid of cats, which is only visible when the animal is very sick.
  • If a goldfish is kept in dim light for a period, it will turn white.
  • Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards.
  • Sharks and ray fish are the only animal species that never get cancer.
  • Birds use gravity to help them swallow food. If there is no gravity, birds would choke to death on their food.
  • The only mammals that produce uric acid other than humans are Dalmatians. Thus, they become the only dog breed to get gout.
  • There are hair on the eyes of honeybees that help them collect pollens.
  • The sperm of an elephant is shorter than the sperm of a mouse.
  • The whiskers of a cat help it determine if the space is too small or enough for it to squeeze through.
  • Lions can mate over 50 times a day.
  • The tongue of an alligator is attached to the bottom of its mouth and hence it cannot stick its tongue out.
  • The only mammals that can fly are bats. Another interesting random animal fact about bats is that they always turn left while exiting a cave.
  • Humans, apes and koalas are the only three animals to have unique fingerprints.
  • Rabbits and parrots are the only creatures who can look behind themselves without ever turning their heads around.
The animal kingdom is very vast and enriched with creatures far beyond the human imagination. Each and every living animal on earth has adapted itself to its surroundings. It is our duty to help save the ecosystem and animals living in it from destruction. Our planet will no longer be the beautiful, if there are no animals.

Minggu, 22 September 2013

Interesting Facts about Hedgehogs

Erinaceus europaeus, is the binomial name of the hedgehog. Hedgehog is a small mammal. Their body is covered by a coat of over 6000 quills. They are nocturnal animals and during the day, they sleep in nests made of grass and leaves or small burrows under shrubs, tree logs or rocks.

The name 'Hedgehog' came into existence due to the animal's habit of digging through hedges and undergrowth, searching for small creatures as food. As it forages its way through the hedges, it emits a peculiar grunting sound like that of a pig. Hence, the name Hedgehog! There are about 15 species of hedgehogs in Europe, Africa and Asia. Hedgehogs are considered useful pets, as they prey on common garden pests. To know more about these animals, read the interesting facts given below.
  • Hedgehogs are solitary animals.
  • The average lifespan of a hedgehog is 3.5 years. Some hedgehogs can live up to 9 years.
  • Hedgehogs curl into a prickly ball when attacked. It is a very unappetizing sight for the predator, which compels it to leave the hedgehog alone. Hedgehogs normally, sleep by curling into a tight ball.
  • The quills, hard on the outside, are filled with air pockets inside.
  • Hedgehogs hibernate in winter. They also sleep through long spells of heat in the deserts and dry places, through a process called aestivation, which is also known as 'summer sleep'.
  • The normal heartbeat of a hedgehog is 190 per minute which comes down to 20 per minute during hibernation.
  • Hedgehogs have a strong sense of smell and hearing but they have weak eyesight.
  • The male hedgehog is called a boar and the females are known as sows. Their offspring are known as hoglets.
  • Baby hedgehogs have a high mortality rate. Smaller species have 3-4 offspring and larger species have 5-6. It is a relief to the sows that the hoglets are born without quills!
  • Hoglets are born blind and their eyesight improves in about two weeks.
  • Hoglets, when around 4-5 weeks old, leave their mother, as well as their nest.
  • Hedgehog is basically an insectivore and feeds on baby birds, mice, small mammals, snails, millipedes, earwigs and even bees. However, it also consumes berries.
  • Hedgehogs love bananas and it is found that bananas help in their digestion.
  • Hedgehogs swim, climb walls and can run with a speed of 4.5 mph.
  • Only 1 hedgehog in 12,000 is born with no pigmentation due to a mutation in the gene.
  • Hedgehogs are mildly intolerant to lactose.
  • Hedgehogs can also suffer from cancer. The sows may suffer from ovarian, uterine and mammary tumors and the boars may suffer from jaw and testicular cancer.
  • Interestingly, in 'The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle' by Beatrix Potter, the main character is a hedgehog and is seen ironing or starching shirts.
It is very sad to know that these animals are becoming endangered. The next time you see a hedgehog, don't be alarmed by its spikes, rather, go for adopting one. It will surely be a great pet.

Tiger Facts for Kids

Tiger cubs are blind
Majestically beautiful. Dangerous and strong.
Stripes like wildfire - black and long.
Eyes like shining beacons of terror.
Striking over, like another death bearer.
Stride akin that of controlled gait
The nails of steel to trap its bait.
The tiger is all that and more...much more. A creature that evokes emotions of awe and terror. But there's more to this wild animal than just that. Like all creatures of the wild, the tiger has certain characteristics that make it a thing to be feared and revered. Yet, what's saddening is that the tiger is in grave danger of becoming extinct. In this following article, we will take you through some interesting facts on tigers that kids can learn from, get interested in, and thereby campaign to save this dying species.

Facts about Tigers for Kids

It's safe to assume that you've seen a tiger on TV or in the zoo, and you have of course thought what a magnificent creature it is, right? But given all that, how much do you really know about the species? To give you more information on the same, here is a detailed account of the creature and all there is to know about it.

The Feline Family
Tigers belong to the feline family and their scientific name is Panthera Tigris. They are the biggest species of the cat family. Today, there are mainly 6 species of tigers that inhabit the planet. They are as follows.
  • Bengal Tiger
  • Sumatran Tiger
  • Indochinese Tiger
  • South China Tiger
  • Siberian Tiger
  • Malayan Tiger
There were 3 other tiger species as well, namely the Caspian, Javan and the Bali tigers. But these are now extinct and the remaining 6 are well on their way to extinction as well.

What of the white tiger then? Is it a separate species? There is a misconception that the white tiger is a subspecies of the tiger, but that is not the case at all. The white tiger was an accident that came to be due to pure mutation. A recessive gene is responsible for the color of their coats. White tigers are very, very rare and are bred by mating the Siberian and Bengal species. These tigers cannot survive in the wild because of their distinct coat color because it would fail to camouflage them. These tigers are thus only bred in captivity.

Physical Features
The tiger's majestic coat is its unique feature. Its coat ranges from yellowish orange or brownish white in color and is flanked by distinct black stripes. Each tiger has over a hundred stripes. These stripes are different in every tiger and the pattern will never be the same in any two, just as the fingerprints are never the same in case of two human beings. Not only do these stripes lead to a tiger looking majestic, but they also act as a great tool for camouflage in the wild, since they allow the coat to blend perfectly well with the forest colors.

A tiger can weigh as much as 660 pounds (300 kg), with the male tiger weighing more than a female tiger. A tiger can be around 11 feet (3.3 mtrs) in length. The Siberian tiger is the biggest species among all tigers. They can weigh approximately 700 lbs and grow to about 13 feet in length. The Sumatran tiger is the lightest of all the species weighing around 110 Kg (250 pounds).

A tiger's tail is about a meter (3 foot) long. The tail is essential in lending balance to the tiger when it is running after its prey.

Tiger Habitat
Tigers are natives of Asia and they usually dwell in dense forests, varied grasslands and swamp areas. In fact, tigers are never far from a water body. They prefer deciduous, temperate and tropical rain forests. Some are also found on mountainous terrains.

Food Habits
Tigers are carnivores, which means that their food habits consist primarily of meat. They eat animals, both, small and large that range from frogs, birds and turtles to deer and buffaloes. Tigers can consume up to 60 pounds of meat in one night. And while this is an interesting fact, what is more interesting is that they can go without food for a week at a time. Tigers usually hunt at dusk and during the night because it helps to camouflage them well. Tigers can see perfectly well in the dark, so hunting is never a problem.

When a tiger spots a prey, it will creep as close to it as possible and then run after it in full speed. If it's a small animal, the tiger will knock it off its feet using its sheer might and claws. Then using its teeth, it will strangle the animal's throat and break off its neck (in case of a smaller animal). In case of larger animals, the tiger will strangle them at the onset so that he can overpower them and they do not struggle. When the tiger is done feasting on its prey, it will cover it up with leaves and mud and hide it so that it can come back and feed on it later. This practice continues till the meat is gone.

Fun Tiger Facts for Kids

A baby tiger is called a cub and every litter usually has 1-6 cubs (typically 2). Most cubs die before they are two years old.

A cub will stay with its mother till the age of 2. After which it will go on to be on its own.

The cubs will follow their mother on her hunts after 6 months. While they learn to kill prey at age one, they will not go on to be on their own till age 2.

The mother takes care of the cubs all by herself with no help from the father.

Tigers are highly territorial and live alone (except when the mother raises her cubs). A male and female tiger will come together for mating and then go their separate ways.

Tigers mark their territory by peeing around the ground and the surrounding plants. They also scratch the trees for the same purpose.

A group of tigers is called an ambush or streak and their cry is known as a growl.

A tiger's cry can be heard up to 2 miles (3 kms) away.

Less than 10% of a tiger's hunting expeditions are successful.

Tigers are excellent swimmers and can swim a distance of 6 Kms at one time.

They can reach a maximum running speed of 65 kph.

Tigers can easily climb and jump over 5-6 meters in length.

One of the most interesting facts about white tigers is that these species carry a rare gene which leads to their white skin. This gene is present in one among ten thousand tigers.

Most species of tigers are completely extinct. And all tigers fall under the category of endangered species due to human hunting and poaching and due to the depletion of natural habitats (also due to humans).

More tigers are held privately as pets than there are in the wild. In captivity, tigers can live up to 26 years.

When a tiger breeds with a lion, it gives rise to hybrids. These are called ligers and tigons.

A tiger will keep its claws sharp by pulling them into a protective sheath. The claws are essential when it comes to hunting.

A tiger will retract its claws when it walks. Thus you'll never find claw marks on its tracks.

Tigers love the water and are the only cats who are known to cool off by rolling about in the water.

These facts on tigers will improve the kids' knowledge about tigers, and more so will make them aware of the danger that they are in. If their destruction continues in the same manner as is happening today, it won't be long before kids will only know about them through books and stories. And we don't want that happening, do we?

Jumat, 20 September 2013

Interesting Facts about Rabbits

Keeping a rabbit is not as easy as keeping ordinary household pets like dogs and cats. Time will test your patience, angers will flare and yes, you will want to at some point, return the rabbit to where you got it from. When I first bought our pet rabbit and introduced it into our home, it was all fun and games and cute cuddly moments.

Twenty photographs later, and a week into the care taking, I started to get nervous. Why was this adorable creature turning into the bane of my existence? Why didn't she behave the way she looked? Why was it so darn hard to train her?

It was simple - I was dealing with a monster clad in rabbit fur. Don't worry about how things will turn out, since eventually you will know your pet rabbit in and out.

Informative Facts about Rabbits

The truth of the matter is, every animal will come loaded with troubles where you as its owner will have to deal with it all. Cleaning up after your pet has finished its 'business' and handling their vicious behavior is all part of the process.

Overtime, when dealt in the right manner, these things don't usually happen as often. If you're lucky, you'll have the best pet ever.

List of Rabbit Facts
If a rabbit isn't potty trained to litter in a cage or hatch, it will get used to messing up your furniture and random spots in the house. It will eventually repeat this habit in select areas of your home, including one focused place on where to do its business.
Rabbits will stand on its two hind legs, in order to get a peripheral view of what surrounds them, especially if they need to examine a higher surface.
Rabbits make these odd sounds when either terrified or furious. You'll notice them as your rabbit ages where they'll be quite audible. Baby rabbits make similar sounds, but only when in need for its mother's milk.
Male rabbits can be easily neutered when they reach an age where they are ready to mate. It makes them less aggressive and less prone to falling ill to serious health problems. Females too can be neutered although the surgery isn't as easy as is in the case of a male rabbit. If done by a trusted vet, it is possible to avoid complications or an infection in a female rabbit.
Rabbits are ready to mate once they cross 3 months of age. It is advisable not to encourage female/male rabbits to mate with their young, since these can lead to problems in their subsequent offspring.
When female rabbits start to pluck their fur, it is important to pull all of it out of its mouth, to avoid it from choking. This signals that the mother is readying the living space that it occupies, for its newborns. It could also be a fake pregnancy (which happens) if it hasn't mated at all.
The idea of a rabbit eating its young is a scary thought, since some animals do this as a way of cleaning up the stillborn birth, or to get rid of the weak ones.
Rabbits groom themselves, although bathing them on your own once a month, is necessary. Bathing a rabbit too often will weaken it eventually. Keep its living quarters clean to avoid your pet rabbit from smelling awful. When a rabbit has hardened stool stuck to its fur, owners will have to step in and take charge of the cleaning.
Avoid feeding rabbits human eatables except if they're made from white flour (crunchy snacks like biscuits). Avoid feeding them non-vegetarian eats, sweet dishes, certain vegetables (like French beans), and spicy/salty foods.
Rabbits resent owners for picking them up too often. If you're like me and will still pick up your rabbit to kiss and cuddle it, feeding it a treat right after will leave it less mad at you.
Rabbits sleep with their eyes open, where if its nose stops twitching, it will signal that it is asleep. Some rabbits when in a state of complete bliss and relaxation, will be seen with their eyes halfway closed.
Binkies are happy jumps that rabbits do, when they kick their feet sideways midair, while they run. This shows that he/she is extremely happy.
When a rabbit thumps its foot, it shows that he/she wasn't pleased with what you did. It also is a way to warn other rabbits of impending danger.
Never pick up a rabbit by its ears, since this is actually painful and can impair it. It has to be picked off a surface by lifting it from its underbelly, or sliding your hand behind its hind legs while supporting its sides and abdomen, with your other hand.
Rabbits will lick you either if you're in its way, or midway through petting to show love and affection. Sometimes they can hop right up to you and start licking at your toes or hands, by way of being sweet. If your rabbit is aggressive, it is only because it is either pregnant or not neutered. Females if not neutered will be much calmer and easier to handle post pregnancy, although some rabbit breeds can still be slightly aggressive even after delivering.
A rabbit's lifespan highly depends on what sort of breed it is, since it can greatly vary in that respect.
Rabbits if carefully laid down on their backs can go into a trance like state, making it easier to clip their nails or trim their fur. It is not good to keep a rabbit too long in this position though.

These interesting facts about rabbits I'm sure will amuse or surprise you, with a lot more on rabbits that you will witness, if you are the kind to keenly observe these animals. For those of you who don't own rabbits yet, I suggest you do a lot of research before committing to take care of one.

Unusual Animal Facts

There are many interesting and unusual animal facts that you may have possibly never heard about earlier. Let's browse through some of them...

A female anaconda is 3-5 times bigger in size than an average male anaconda.

It's a strange fact that all polar bears are left-handed and their liver is extremely poisonous as it contains too much of Vitamin C.

Sharks seemingly are the only animals that never fall sick and are immune to every known disease including cancer.

A lion can mate up to 50 times in a day.

Cats can sleep up to 16 hours in a day.

Mockingbirds can imitate sounds of other birds.

The rat tops the list of animals that can live without water for a long time; the camel being second to it. Another fascinating fact about a camel is that its milk does not ferment into curd.

The eyes of donkeys are placed in such a way that they can see all four feet at the same time.

There are around 2,600 known species of frogs, which live on every continent, except Antarctica.

The venom of a poison arrow frog can kill approximately 2,200 people.

Crocodiles can swallow large stones that stay permanently in their bellies and are used as ballast in diving.

Slugs have four noses, but none of them are visible.

An electric eel can produce a shock of up to 650 volts, which it uses to defend itself from predators or for hunting its prey.

A porcupine has 30,000 quills on an average. Its average heartbeat is around 190 beats per minute, which reduces to 20 during hibernation.

Butterflies surprisingly use their feet to taste.

A cockroach can stay alive up to nine days without its head, before it dies.

A woodpecker can peck up to 20 times in a second.

Bats unmistakably turn left when exiting a cave. A brown bat can catch around 1,200 mosquito-sized insects in just an hour.

The call of a blue whale reaches up to 188 decibels, which can be heard from hundred of miles underwater, thus entitling it to be the loudest animal on earth. In loudness, the whale is followed by the howler monkey.

The hummingbird can hover and fly straight up, down, or backward.

Father catfish keep eggs in their mouth until they are ready to hatch and don't eat until then, which may take several weeks.

A chameleon can move its eyes in any two separate directions at the same time.

Duck quacks do not echo; the reason for which is still unknown.

A cow can be led upstairs, but it can't be brought downstairs.

Normally, a dolphin consumes food equivalent to one-third of its weight, every day.

The sloth normally travels an average of 15-feet a day.

Generally, an average male llama weighs up to 375 pounds and stands 5-6 feet tall.

A newborn kangaroo's size is as small as that of a coffee bean.

Generally, 95% of a panda's diet consists of bamboo.

A full-grown bull's average weight is 900 pounds.

One out of every five thousand North Atlantic lobsters is born bright blue in color.

The black Uakari monkey travels an average of 1 to 2 miles every day.

A female ferret will literally die, if she can't find a mate after going into heat.

An average size of an adult guinea pig is two pounds.

A female praying mantis may eat the male's head just after or even during mating.

If a drop of liquor is put on the scorpion, it will sting himself to death.

The humpback whale has the longest flippers than any other marine mammal: up to one-third of its body length.

These are few unusual animal facts that are known to mankind. There are many more amazing, amusing and fascinating facts that are yet to be discovered.

Rabu, 18 September 2013

Interesting Facts about Flamingos

Fact about the color of flamingos
The word flamingo comes from the Spanish word flamengo, an earlier form of flamenco. These words were derived from the Latin word flamma, which means 'a flame'. The habitat of these birds comprises large shallow lakes, lagoons, mangrove swamps, tidal flats, and sandy islands above the low tide mark. Adult flamingos range from 36 to 50 inches in height, with a wingspan of about 60 inches, and weigh around 8.75 lbs on an average. However, these statistics differ for different species. The bird has such a distinctive appearance, that in any given locale it is likely to be the only tall, pink bird. They have long, sinuous necks, slender legs, and black-tipped bills that achieve a downward bend upon maturity. After this basic information, let's get down to learn some interesting facts about these beautiful creatures.

Facts You Should Know About Flamingos

1 Flamingos are found in warm, shallow and watery regions of many continents. Their vast habitats include estuaries and saline or alkaline lakes in Africa, Asia, North America, Central America, South America, and Europe.

2 These highly adaptable birds can live in hot volcanic lakes, as well as in icy lakes of the Andean mountains.

3 Their beautiful color comes from the algae, diatoms, and small crustaceans that they eat, which are rich in the carotene pigment.

4 Their interesting feeding technique involves stirring up the mud and water with their long legs and webbed feet. They then bury their bills, or even their entire heads upside down in the water, and suck up both mud and water. They shake their head from side to side to expel the excess mud and water, hold back and eat the plankton, tiny fish and fly larvae. When feeding, flamingos hold their breath.

5 They are commonly witnessed preening, which takes up a considerable amount of time everyday. They preen using their bills to spread oil from a gland near the base of their tail through their feathers.

6 Contrary to their appearance, these are surprisingly fluid swimmers. Their webbed toes help them swim and stand in soft mud. However, they don't swim unless the water is too deep to waddle in.

7 They live in groups referred to as flocks or colonies. The large numbers provide safety against predators (flamingos have a few natural predators), especially while they feed with their heads underwater. They also don't nest unless there are other flamingos around.

8 They share equal responsibility in parenting. Both the male and female pile up mud to build a nest in which the female lays one egg. After about 30 days of incubating, which is done in turns, the egg hatches to produce a chick with gray or white plumage.

9 Both parents regurgitate food which is fed to the baby, and both mother and father secrete a milk-like substance that provides their young with proper nourishment. This goes on till the baby's beak is fully developed and is capable of hunting for its own food.

10 A flock of flamingos taking off is a truly magnificent sight. They gather speed by running prior to taking off and flap their wings almost constantly during flight. A flock can reach to a speed of 31 to 37 mph.

11 In recent times, changes in flamingo migration patterns have been witnessed due to environmental changes and global warming. These birds easily travel long distances and can cover over 300 miles at a stretch in a single night.

12 The lifespan of these birds is somewhere between 20 - 30 years in the wild, though these may live up to 50 years in captivity.

13 A total of six species of flamingos have been identified, namely, Greater Flamingo, Lesser Flamingo, James's Flamingo, Andean Flamingo, Chilean Flamingo and Caribbean Flamingo.

14 Greater Flamingos are largest of all the species and can grow up to 5 feet tall, whereas Lesser Flamingos are the smallest attaining a height of about 3 feet.

15 Resting on one leg is a technique which these birds have adopted to minimize the loss of body heat to cold water of shallows.

16 In some areas, flamingo fat is considered to be a treatment option for tuberculosis.

17 The long and slender neck of a flamingo consists a total of 19 bones.

18 Keratin, a very tough substance, is the major structural material of the beak and feathers of these birds.

19 These birds are often seen producing different vocalizations ranging from growling, honking and grunting.

20 The Andean Flamingo is categorized as vulnerable species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), with figures showing only 30,000 of them alive in the wild.

21 Females lay only one egg per year and do not lay another one if, by any chance, the egg suffers damage.

22 Flamingos are defenseless creatures which do not fight back and simply fly away when they feel threatened.

23 These have a good eyesight and color perception, a good hearing ability, but have a poor sense of smell and taste.

24 As observed in the Philadelphia zoo, these birds display group activities with hundreds of birds participating together. Group displays like "wing salutes", "head-flagging" and "marching" are a measure to regulate hormonal cycling for the mating season.

25 Lesser Flamingos found in East Africa form the largest flocks of birds with greater than one million of them flocking together.

The beauty of flamingos has never failed to grab human attention and that's the reason why many people wish to keep them pets. However, since these birds are better left alone in the wild, one must refer to respective state laws to learn the legalities governing their ownership. You would also be surprised to know that on one hand, the Ancient Egyptians related a flamingo to the god Ra, whereas on the other hand, Ancient Romans enjoyed the bird's tongue as a delicacy. Strange! Isn't it?

Sugar Glider Facts

Sugar gliders are found in Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea and Tasmania. They are very small in size. They are cute looking creatures. Let us learn some fun and interesting facts about them.

Top 50 Sugar Glider Facts
  1. They are called sugar gliders because they love eating sugar and they glide from one tree to another.
  2. Their weight is only about 4 ounces, even after they have grown as full adults.
  3. They can glide over 150 feet.
  4. Wild sugar gliders live on trees, and they hardly come on the ground.
  5. Like kangaroos, sugar gliders have a pouch where the young one lives.
  6. They have large, protruding eyes.
  7. Their hands and feet have four fingers each and opposable thumbs.
  8. Sugar gliders have fingers that are like sharp hooks, which help them glide and stick.
  9. They are marsupials.
  10. They are 5 to 6 inches long, and the tail is an addition to this length.
  11. Their tail itself is around 6 inches long.
  12. The color of their tail is usually gray or brown with a black tip.
  13. These marsupials have furry membranes which stretch from their wrist to their ankle.
  14. They are most active at night.
  15. They are very friendly, and hence they bond a lot with their caretakers.
  16. Sugar gliders are omnivorous.
  17. They are so social that they can even die if deprived of social interaction.
  18. They tend to become depressed when their death is near.
  19. They can live for 12 to 15 years as pets under someone's care.
  20. They are very clean animals, and hence as pets, they don't necessitate any complex house cleaning.
  21. They have very sharp nails which they use to dig and land.
  22. They have sharp teeth too.
  23. They are not aggressive, but may use their teeth if they are frightened.
  24. Sugar gliders are sometimes too low in calcium and high in phosphorous.
  25. They can suffer from paralysis due to the imbalance in calcium and phosphorous.
  26. They love being close to their owners, and hence you might find them inside someone's T-shirt or pocket.
  27. They like eating chocolates and boiled eggs.
  28. Many breeders have bred them to a variety of colors.
  29. They live in a group of 20 to 40, in the forests.
  30. They make nests by lining a hole in the trees.
  31. As they love companionship, this animal lives in a group of 7 to 9 in one nest for warmth.
  32. A female sugar glider can give birth to 2 or 3 baby gliders at once.
  33. In some states, having sugar gliders as pets is illegal.
  34. A male sugar glider marks the boundary of his territory by its secreting glands.
  35. A female sugar glider breeds from the month of June to January.
  36. It needs 16 to 20 days for a baby glider to be born.
  37. Sometimes, these possums eat small birds and mammals.
  38. At times, they lie on their back and play with a little woolen ball.
  39. Sugar gliders bark, chirp, crab and chatter.
  40. They love eating fruits and vegetables.
  41. Sugar gliders are termed as 'high maintenance' pets.
  42. They can be easily trained to use human toilets so as to keep the surroundings clean.
  43. These animals groom themselves up as if they are going to go to meet their friends.
  44. They can drink water from water bottles.
  45. They love playing with soft toys.
  46. Male sugar gliders have a bald spot on their head.
  47. A sugar glider spreads its limbs when it lands on a tree.
  48. It can actually change the curvature of its membrane while gliding.
  49. They mark their nests with urine.
  50. Sugar gliders never require bathing, and they have no smell.
I hope you enjoyed reading these facts. As sugar gliders love to play, kids can have a fun time with them. So, if you are thinking of getting one, make sure your kid has read these fun facts about sugar gliders.

Senin, 16 September 2013

Koala Facts for Kids

If you come across a cuddly, gray colored, bear like animal, but much smaller than a bear, then it is quite likely that what you have seen is a koala. This Australian animal is a small marsupial or pouched mammal, in which the female possesses an abdominal pouch (marsupium). Similar to a kangaroo, the pouch is used for carrying and feeding its young ones.

Koala Facts and Information for Kids

Koalas weigh about 15-20 pounds at maturity. They have thick, woolly fur, which helps in maintaining body temperature under harsh environmental conditions. Also, the fur repels water during rains. Though a koala resembles a bear in its physical attributes, it is not even a distant relative of bears. Or in other words, koala bears and true bears are totally different from each other. Some Australian koala facts are presented below:

True Arboreal: Koala is an arboreal animal, meaning it spends its entire life on the eucalyptus tree trunks. The trees not only provide food for the koalas, but they are also a resting place for them. On some days, they sleep on the branches throughout the daytime, for more than 19 hours.

Sexual Dimorphism: By sexual dimorphism, we mean the difference in characteristics between a male koala and a female koala. The adult female is smaller in size than the male koala. Speaking about the species diversity and facts about the koala, those inhabiting southern Australia are larger in size and darker in color than the northern ones.

Koala Habitat: Indigenous to the Australian states, koala habitat lies in the eastern coast and southern parts of Australia. The inhabiting areas have large and tall eucalyptus trees, which are important as food and sleeping place for koalas. The natural habitat of koala is found in Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia.

Koala Food: One of the amazing facts is its food and feeding habit. But, what do koala bears eat and what is so special about their diet. They are herbivorous and more than 90 percent food comprises eucalyptus leaves, which are less nutritious and fibrous. Nevertheless, the koala's digestive system is adapted to having eucalyptus leaves.

Koala Baby: So, what about baby koala facts? At birth, a baby koala (called joey) is pink, furless and weighs about 1/5 of an ounce. After birth, a joey remains in its mother's pouch for nearly six months. As soon as the young koala comes out of the pouch, it stays on its mother's back or clings to the abdomen for another 6 months.

Koala Lifespan: A healthy koala can live up to 10 years in the wild, provided that there is no shortage of food and favorable conditions are present. They prefer to remain in groups and choose areas, where eucalyptus trees are abundant. It is claimed that koalas take a long time to enter in areas, where a death has occurred or a dead koala is present.

Interesting Koala Facts for Children
  • Koalas are nocturnal animals and they feed mostly at nighttime. On an average, they sleep about 16 hours a day.
  • They are good climbers and can climb to about 150 feet tall trees. Similar to other arboreal animals, they leap from one treetop to another.
  • For survival in woodlands, this fuzzy animal species requires a lot of space. It is suggested that a single koala needs 100 eucalyptus trees. So, you can imagine, the density of trees in the natural habitat.
  • Excess consumption of eucalyptus leaves is poisonous for other animals. But, koalas have an exceptionally long gut that helps in breaking down the tough fibers.
  • A koala can eat about 600 g to 1 Kg eucalyptus leaves per day. This is a huge amount, considering the small size of koalas.
  • They keep a temporary stock of eucalyptus leaves in their pouches. They eat them any time, when they feel hungry.
  • Koalas rarely drink water, as much of the moisture requirement is provided by the eucalyptus leaves. They need water in dry climates, and when there is shortage of food.
  • The gestation period of koala is short, about 35 days. They give birth to their young ones, only once in a year. The infant koala becomes independent after about 1 year.
  • Humans are directly or indirectly responsible for the declining population of koalas. Sometimes, they are attacked by dogs, otherwise koalas do not have natural predators.
In the 20th century, koalas were excessively hunted, especially for their fur. The population declined to such an extent that they were included in the endangered animals list. But, with conservatory steps taken up by the Australian government, their population has increased gradually. At present, it is estimated that more than 100,000 koalas thrive in the wild.

Funny Trivia Questions and Answers

Funny trivia
Trivia questions, despite their label of triviality, can be interesting, especially the ones which shell out strange and bizarre facts. For instance, if you like playing cards, then have you ever noticed anything unusual about some of the kings? The king of hearts is the only one without a mustache, the king of diamonds holds an ax for a sword, and the king of spades is the only one looking to the right - trivial but interesting, won't you agree? The trivia questions and answers you will find below, will not only raise your eyebrows, but their comical side will get you laughing, as well. So, enjoy answering them, and yes, no peeking at the answers until you give it a shot!

*Click on the "Answer" bubble for the answer.

Trivia Questions for Kids

Do goldfish really have a memory of three seconds?

No. In fact, they can actually recall previously learned information for up to 5 months.

Is it illegal to catch mice?

In Ohio it is, if done without a hunting license!

What is a group of unicorns known as?

A Blessing.

What is a group of ravens known as?

An Unkindness.

What is a group of crows called?

A Murder.

How old is the world's oldest piece of chewing gum?

9000 years old!

What is so special about a violin?

It is made up of 70 separate pieces of wood!

What is the fear of being buried alive known as?


Where was the fortune cookie actually invented?

America. [Most people think it's China]

In China, animals are forbidden to use human language. This belief led to the ban of a book of which famous writer, in the country?

Lewis Carroll. The book was "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."

Which planets in the Solar System are known as the Gas Giants?

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

What is a group of frogs known as?

An Army.

What is a group of toads known as?

A Knot

Which animal is known to kill more people than plane crashes?


What is the tiny plastic covering of the tip of a shoelace called?

An aglet.

In the movie, "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial," when E.T. walked, it made a noise. How was the noise made?

The noise was made by someone squishing their hands in jelly.

The Empire State Building is composed of how many bricks?

10 million!

How many eggs does a female mackerel lay at a time?


What is the Karni Mata Temple, Deshnoke, India, famous for?

Its 20,000 residents, which are black rats.

How long is a kangaroo baby, when it is born?

1 inch.

Which animal swallows large stones and uses them as ballast?

The crocodile.

If cats are feline, and dogs, canine, then what are bears?


What is the cross between a donkey and a zebra known as?

A zonkey. However, the names "zebonkey," "zebrula," "zebrass," and "zedonk" are more commonly accepted.

Is the Great Wall of China really visible from the moon?

No, no man-made objects are visible (at least to the naked eye) in low Earth orbit, let alone from the moon.

Say a sentence that contains every letter of the English Alphabet.

"The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog."

What is the dot over the letter "i" and "j" called?

A tittle!

Can you lick your elbow?

Well, it seems there are a few tricks, using which you actually can!

Did you try to lick your elbow after reading the previous answer?

Probably, yes. Most people try to do so.

What does the stomach do to prevent autodigestion (digesting itself)?

It produces
a lining of mucus to protect the stomach walls.

What is the world's most popular first name?

Trivia Questions for Adults

How much time, on an average, does a person spend on kissing, in his lifetime?

20,160 minutes!

What is the relation between Trivia and Roman mythology?

Trivia was the goddess of sorcery, witchcraft, and crossroads.

How many calories does sex burn?

Sex can burn 85 calories or more.

How much time, on an average, does a person spend in the toilet in his lifetime?

3 years. It may be more for people with bladder issues.

When a burning cigarette is inhaled, what is the temperature at its tip?

700 degree Celsius!

What does the reverse of the Nobel Peace Prize depict?

Three naked men, who are embracing one another.

Back in the 1600's, what was used in thermometers, instead of mercury?


Which song was the most played number on American radio, during the 20th century, and for how many times was it played?

"You have Lost That Loving Feeling." It was played over 8 million times!

In Hong Kong, what is a wife, who has been betrayed by her adulterous husband, allowed to do, legally?

The wife may kill her husband, but with bare hands!

Which is the only mammal species of bats, where the male has the capability to lactate, and probably feed its young?

The Dayak fruit bat

Which mammal holds the record of having the quickest sexual intercourse?

The chimpanzee; at an average of 3 seconds!

Which Hollywood movie showed the first toilet flush?

Psycho (1960)

Give a few examples from the animal kingdom, which are known to exhibit homosexual behavior.

Black swans, penguins, vultures, pigeons, giraffes, elephants, monkeys, lions, sheep, apes, lizards, and many insects.

Greek God seduced and violated Leda, the Queen of Sparta, in the guise of a swan?


How serious is the production and distribution of adult movies in North Korea?

It is illegal. It is said that, an officer got executed for committing the crime.

How big does the pupil become, when it looks at something pleasing?

It expands by as much as 45 percent of its normal size.

What is strange about the casinos in Las Vegas?

They do not have any clocks.

What was the carburetor of the first Harley-Davidson, built in the 1903, made of?

A tomato can.

Google may be your preferred search engine, but do you know how it got its name?

Google got its name from the world "Googol" (the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros).

Do you know when was Gmail (email service provided by Google) launched?

1st April, 2004 - that's April Fool's Day!

When you crack your knuckles, back or neck, how is the cracking sound produced?

The sound is made by the rapidly released gas from a fluid, which is present in the joints.

How many steps would you have to take before you reach the first level of the Eiffel Tower?


What is "milk" called in Indonesia?


What is "entrance" and "driveway" in Swedish?

"Infart" and "Utfart."

What is so unusual about the reproductive system of male snakes?

Male snakes have two penises (known as hemipenes). In some snakes, each penis has two tips (forked hemipenes).

What is the significance of the time 4:20?

It is a slang for smoking pot (marijuana).

What did soldiers during the World War II use condoms for?

They used them to cover their rifle barrels, from getting damaged by salty water and sand.

What is paper money made from?

Paper money is made from 75% cotton and 25% linen fibers.

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What is so strange about the seven continents of the world?

The name of each of the continents, begins and ends with the same letter of the English alphabet. See for yourself - Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. [You have to ignore the "North" and "South"]

How many pairs of underwear do men buy in a year?

An average of 3.4!
*The questions and answers presented above, have been collected from multiple sources on the Internet, and are not the production of the author.

That would be all for some cool and funny trivia questions and answers, for now. In case, if you stumble across some more of such fun questions, do share them with us, via the comment box!