Senin, 09 September 2013

Facts About Monkeys

Monkeys are either classified as Old World Monkeys, or New World Monkeys. The species which fall in the former group are those who hail from Africa, central to southern Asia, Japan and India. While those whose home ground happens to be Mexico, Central and South America, are put under the latter group.

Monkeys are different from apes or prosimians (prosimians are defined as primitive primates bearing large ears and eyes, they usually have nocturnal habits). Many may be unaware of the fact that monkeys are smaller and longer-tailed. These are the characteristic features which differentiate them from apes.

Fun Facts
  • The largest species of monkeys is the Mandrill. It is often mistaken for an ape because of its size (1 - 3ft).
  • The smallest monkey in the world does not grow more than 5 - 6 inches. This species is known as the pygmy marmoset.
  • Whenever I have a bad, nasty cold, it reminds me of monkeys. Because then I say to myself, 'Why weren't you a monkey?' Common cold may be a problem for us, but not for the monkeys. They never catch it, unlike gorillas and chimpanzees.
  • Monkeys are also known for their table manners. They never eat the banana without peeling of its skin.
  • Monkeys belonging from the Old World family grow 32 teeth while those from the New World, 28.
  • If you can hear a monkey howling from a distance of 3 miles or more, then know that it is the howler monkey. The species is reputed to be the loudest animal on land, and the largest of the New World monkeys.
  • If I were a monkey, I would never go to South Asia, China, and Africa. In these regions, a dish made from monkey brains is savored as a delicacy.
  • Monkeys like to stay clean and groomed. That is why a monkey would have another one to do a barber's job. The barber monkey gets paid in the form of bugs from the customer's coat. Give and take!
  • The spider monkey can hang on to a branch by using only the tip of its tail.
  • The spider money, and apes can be seen swinging from one branch to the other. Most monkeys simply run across the branches.
  • If you see a monkey grinning or pulling its lip, then you better leave it alone. These are signs of aggression.
  • Brrr.. Is it cold or what Mauris? Cold! Are you kidding me? I am a Japanese macaque bro!.. Snow monkey species, also known as Japanese macaques can survive temperature as low as -10 degree Celsius.
  • The Golden Lion Tamarin is a majestic animal bearing a striking orange mane. But thanks to human activities such as poaching, mining, and urbanization to name a few, this species is listed as endangered by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature).
  • During mating, the female monkey gives out loud distinctive calls. Many scientists believe that this the female does for the male partner to reach its climax. This is more particular with the Barbary macaque species.
  • Monkeys could be big rascals, but they can also do good for the society. Capuchin monkeys are put through extensive training programs so that they become conditioned enough to help people such as quadriplegics. They get trained for opening up bottles, washing the patient's face, and even working with the microwave.
  • Monkeys do not wait for spring time to get cozy with their mates. Most of them can breed at any time of the year.
Here is a list of some common species of these animals.
  • Golden Lion Tamarin
  • Capuchin Monkey
  • Japanese Macaque
  • Mandrill
  • Gelada Monkeys
  • Howler Monkey
  • Spider Monkey
  • Rhesus Monkey
  • Vervet Monkeys
  • Olive Baboons
  • Squirrel Monkey
  • Proboscis Monkey
The presence of monkeys and various other animals on Earth are an example of the wide diversity of nature. It is because of their existence that we are distinguished as humans, and placed at the top of the ecological pyramid. And without these creatures around us, there would be no such pyramid, no such differentiation, and no more us! Chi hoo ooh!.. That's 'cheers' in monkey's language!

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