Not very long ago a chimpanzee, a prominent pop star and a mayor settled for a cup of tea together. Does this seem fictitious already? Well believe it! "Bubbles" was a pet adopted by none other than the legendary pop star, Michael Jackson who had taken this chimpanzee along with him for his music tour in Japan where both of them happened to have a cup of tea with the mayor of Osaka. This chimpanzee was also known to engage himself in doing odd jobs like cleaning and tidying at the star's famous ranch.
The nature and actions of chimpanzees have an uncanny similarity with human behavior. Much has been talked about them, their evolution and existence on earth. In fact, now it has been scientifically proven that chimpanzees are the closest living relatives to humans. They should not be confused with the monkeys and gorillas.
Chimp Chronicles
Chimpanzees are not "monkeys" as stated earlier. They belong to the family of apes along with gorillas, bonobos and orangutans. Though all these animals belong to the same family, chimpanzees are genetically closer to humans than any other animal.
Chimpanzees and humans share a DNA similarity of about 98.4% leaving only a difference of approximately 1.6%.
Physical Features
Chimpanzees are found mainly in the tropical forests of Africa. These animals have a stocky structure with long protruding arms and a petite body. Long, black hair is a prominent feature, which covers their entire body except the face, ears, fingers and toes. They share a similar feature of opposable thumbs as humans and their sturdy hands are well-equipped to clasp objects firmly and throw them instinctively as a defense mechanism.
Their lifespan is approximately fifty years and they primarily are wild animals, but in captivity these animals can live up to sixty years. A baby chimpanzee lives with its mother for approximately five to ten years after birth.
They are omnivorous and their principal diet includes leaves, buds and flowers of various plants. Sometimes they eat very selectively consuming only the ripest fruit, which they pick with their hands. Their diet also includes berries and seeds.
Sources of Danger
They face the greatest threat from human beings and leopards. They are also prone to diseases, which also afflict human beings. They are also being used for biomedical testing and entertainment, which are taking a toll on their lives.
Modus Operandi
Chimpanzees spend as much time on land as they do on trees though, most of their eating and sleeping is done on trees. They begin their activities at dawn as they descend from their night nest and what follows is a mischievous mayhem throughout the day especially among the younger chimpanzees. They are more active during the moonlit nights.
Chimps are known to have devised tools out of stones, twigs and other such objects in their natural habitat for fishing and survival tactics in the wild. The fact that they can craft tools and use them in their daily lives is astonishing.
Sentient Side
They kiss, hug and exude emotions like human beings. Public display of affections is a lifestyle for these lively creatures. Anxious chimpanzees pucker their lips and when threatened bare their teeth, snarling furiously. When chimps are tight-lipped and glare with their eyes, this indicates a sign of attack.
Approximately fifty years ago, there were somewhere around a million chimpanzees in these forests; but, now they are gradually moving towards extinction with about 150,000 to 175,000 left in the wildernesses. The existence is threatened by the decrease in the forests and the increase in the "bush meat" trade. People and global organizations like the WWF are working consistently and are spreading an awareness about these endangered mammals and what can be done to secure their race on earth.
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