Trivia questions, despite their label of triviality, can be interesting, especially the ones which shell out strange and bizarre facts. For instance, if you like playing cards, then have you ever noticed anything unusual about some of the kings? The king of hearts is the only one without a mustache, the king of diamonds holds an ax for a sword, and the king of spades is the only one looking to the right - trivial but interesting, won't you agree? The trivia questions and answers you will find below, will not only raise your eyebrows, but their comical side will get you laughing, as well. So, enjoy answering them, and yes, no peeking at the answers until you give it a shot!
*Click on the "Answer" bubble for the answer.
Trivia Questions for Kids
Do goldfish really have a memory of three seconds?
No. In fact, they can actually recall previously learned information for up to 5 months.
Is it illegal to catch mice?
In Ohio it is, if done without a hunting license!
What is a group of unicorns known as?
A Blessing.
What is a group of ravens known as?
An Unkindness.
What is a group of crows called?
A Murder.
How old is the world's oldest piece of chewing gum?
9000 years old!
What is so special about a violin?
It is made up of 70 separate pieces of wood!
What is the fear of being buried alive known as?
Where was the fortune cookie actually invented?
America. [Most people think it's China]
In China, animals are forbidden to use human language. This belief led to the ban of a book of which famous writer, in the country?
Lewis Carroll. The book was "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."
Which planets in the Solar System are known as the Gas Giants?
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
What is a group of frogs known as?
An Army.
What is a group of toads known as?
A Knot
Which animal is known to kill more people than plane crashes?
What is the tiny plastic covering of the tip of a shoelace called?
An aglet.
In the movie, "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial," when E.T. walked, it made a noise. How was the noise made?
The noise was made by someone squishing their hands in jelly.
The Empire State Building is composed of how many bricks?
10 million!
How many eggs does a female mackerel lay at a time?
What is the Karni Mata Temple, Deshnoke, India, famous for?
Its 20,000 residents, which are black rats.
How long is a kangaroo baby, when it is born?
1 inch.
Which animal swallows large stones and uses them as ballast?
The crocodile.
If cats are feline, and dogs, canine, then what are bears?
What is the cross between a donkey and a zebra known as?
A zonkey. However, the names "zebonkey," "zebrula," "zebrass," and "zedonk" are more commonly accepted.
Is the Great Wall of China really visible from the moon?
No, no man-made objects are visible (at least to the naked eye) in low Earth orbit, let alone from the moon.
Say a sentence that contains every letter of the English Alphabet.
"The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog."
What is the dot over the letter "i" and "j" called?
A tittle!
Can you lick your elbow?
Well, it seems there are a few tricks, using which you actually can!
Did you try to lick your elbow after reading the previous answer?
Probably, yes. Most people try to do so.
What does the stomach do to prevent autodigestion (digesting itself)?
It produces
a lining of mucus to protect the stomach walls.
What is the world's most popular first name?
Trivia Questions for Adults
How much time, on an average, does a person spend on kissing, in his lifetime?
20,160 minutes!
What is the relation between Trivia and Roman mythology?
Trivia was the goddess of sorcery, witchcraft, and crossroads.
How many calories does sex burn?
Sex can burn 85 calories or more.
How much time, on an average, does a person spend in the toilet in his lifetime?
3 years. It may be more for people with bladder issues.
When a burning cigarette is inhaled, what is the temperature at its tip?
700 degree Celsius!
What does the reverse of the Nobel Peace Prize depict?
Three naked men, who are embracing one another.
Back in the 1600's, what was used in thermometers, instead of mercury?
Which song was the most played number on American radio, during the 20th century, and for how many times was it played?
"You have Lost That Loving Feeling." It was played over 8 million times!
In Hong Kong, what is a wife, who has been betrayed by her adulterous husband, allowed to do, legally?
The wife may kill her husband, but with bare hands!
Which is the only mammal species of bats, where the male has the capability to lactate, and probably feed its young?
The Dayak fruit bat
Which mammal holds the record of having the quickest sexual intercourse?
The chimpanzee; at an average of 3 seconds!
Which Hollywood movie showed the first toilet flush?
Psycho (1960)
Give a few examples from the animal kingdom, which are known to exhibit homosexual behavior.
Black swans, penguins, vultures, pigeons, giraffes, elephants, monkeys, lions, sheep, apes, lizards, and many insects.
Greek God seduced and violated Leda, the Queen of Sparta, in the guise of a swan?
How serious is the production and distribution of adult movies in North Korea?
It is illegal. It is said that, an officer got executed for committing the crime.
How big does the pupil become, when it looks at something pleasing?
It expands by as much as 45 percent of its normal size.
What is strange about the casinos in Las Vegas?
They do not have any clocks.
What was the carburetor of the first Harley-Davidson, built in the 1903, made of?
A tomato can.
Google may be your preferred search engine, but do you know how it got its name?
Google got its name from the world "Googol" (the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros).
Do you know when was Gmail (email service provided by Google) launched?
1st April, 2004 - that's April Fool's Day!
When you crack your knuckles, back or neck, how is the cracking sound produced?
The sound is made by the rapidly released gas from a fluid, which is present in the joints.
How many steps would you have to take before you reach the first level of the Eiffel Tower?
What is "milk" called in Indonesia?
What is "entrance" and "driveway" in Swedish?
"Infart" and "Utfart."
What is so unusual about the reproductive system of male snakes?
Male snakes have two penises (known as hemipenes). In some snakes, each penis has two tips (forked hemipenes).
What is the significance of the time 4:20?
It is a slang for smoking pot (marijuana).
What did soldiers during the World War II use condoms for?
They used them to cover their rifle barrels, from getting damaged by salty water and sand.
What is paper money made from?
Paper money is made from 75% cotton and 25% linen fibers.
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What is so strange about the seven continents of the world?
The name of each of the continents, begins and ends with the same letter of the English alphabet. See for yourself - Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. [You have to ignore the "North" and "South"]
How many pairs of underwear do men buy in a year?
An average of 3.4!
*The questions and answers presented above, have been collected from multiple sources on the Internet, and are not the production of the author.
That would be all for some cool and funny trivia questions and answers, for now. In case, if you stumble across some more of such fun questions, do share them with us, via the comment box!
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